By Chris Kensil
The film tells the story of Shonta “Shawn” High, a Washington, D.C. mother who resides in an area which is commonly referred to as the “640” where drugs, crime and homelessness are commonplace. While raising her daughters, she endures a continuous struggle to keep them away from all the negative influences of their surroundings. As a community leader, she fights to bring about positive change in her neighborhood by working with the local housing authority and city officials. Many times, a futile effort. The problems are compounded as gentrification threatens to displace her and her family who have resided in the area for over twenty years. She experiences all this while dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health problems. It examines how Shawn beat the odds and raised her oldest daughter to be a happy, successful, productive member of society. The same formula she intends to use while raising her youngest daughter.
Additional Information
Chris Kensil
United States
Mid-Length Documentary
Shonta High