By Mikael Romulus
For most migrants, finding a new sense of home and comfort in the country where they’ve moved is the most important thing. Haitians have flown away from their country to escape its crumbling political environment in the hopes to find a new home, free of the issues that they’ve faced back in Haiti. They may have grown there, but their children will have spent most of their lives growing up in Montreal. While this is where the cultural gap often begins between the children and the parents, the true cultural clash that comes with this different environment comes at a later age when the children become adults and have their own responsibilities. My Culture, My home intends to bring light on the cultural clashes and the conflicts that it may cause. This documentary shows the correlation between the home and the culture. A Hatian has fought and taken many risks to find a dwelling elsewhere. They will search for a home and build it from what they’ve known, but how can they obtain this specific sense of comfort when the environment is so different? This documentary short may show some solutions, or compromises through specific scenarios.
Additional Information
Mikael Romulus
Haitian community
Being Black in Canada - Doc Short Films