By Hilary Etomo Mba
L'amour. Lorsqu'on pense à ce mot, on s’imagine le romantisme ou la séduction, mais il en existe d'autres formes qu'il faut également souligner et explorer. L'expression de l'amour dans la communauté noire est parfois très pudique ou parfois pas exprimée du tout. 3 duos de personnes nous ouvrent les portes vers un dialogue sur la perception de la vulnérabilité et de l'expression de ses sentiments. Love. In pop culture, this word tends to resonate with seduction or romanticism, overshadowing the other forms of love worth exploring. This sentiment is often expressed sparely or not expressed at all in the Black community. 3 duos of people, each highlighting non romantic love, open the gate towards a discussion about the perception of vulnerability and the expression of sentiments. Love. In pop culture, this word tends to resonate with seduction or romanticism, overshadowing the other forms of love worth exploring. This sentiment is often expressed sparely or not expressed at all in the Black community. 3 duos of people, each highlighting non romantic love, open the gate towards a discussion about the perception of vulnerability and the expression of sentiments.
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Hilary Etomo Mba
Being Black in Canada - Doc Short Films