Black and Blue (TOR) (Online & In Theatre)

Storyline Garnetta Cromwell, a blues and soul musician of african descent has a lifelong dream of becoming a professional blues singer. Online [...]

Strike The Iron / Battre le Fer (MTL) (Online & In Theatre)

Storyline After immersing himself in the street life, Racci finds redemption through his passion for sports, which he shares with his community [...]

Away From Home (TOR) (Online & In Theatre)

Storyline Determined to protect international students from escalating vulnerabilities in Canada—a country that once "embraced" them—an award-winning global leader, formerly an international [...]

Dreaming in the West (TOR) (Online & In Theatre)

Storyline “Dreaming in the West” explores the Canadian dream for Black immigrant artists in our socioeconomically imbalanced world. Online film available from [...]

Mikerlande: L’Exil de la Mémoire du Griot (MTL) (Online & In Theatre)

Storyline Exiled after Haiti’s political struggles of the 90s, Mikerlande—a former activist and now entrepreneur—rekindles memories of resilience and commitment. Online film [...]

Double Combat (MTL) (Online & In Theatre)

Storyline This short documentary delves into the last week of training camp for Jean Pascal, ex-light heavyweight world champion at 41, who [...]